Inventory - Parts

 Style - Inventory Tab

On this page we will go over how and what to select for a part on the Style - Inventory tab.

Picture 5.1 - The blank Inventory Tab.

All fields that have RED titles are mandatory fields to fill out.

Picture 5.2 - The Inventory tab filled out with Iberville Way info.

UOM Template


The UOM or Unit of Measure Template declares “How are we going to break this part down in Echelon.” The selection in this field are stored in a table set up by your company.

Here are some common selections… If it is…

  1. Carpet roll, select - Roll Goods: SqYd

  2. Tile, select -

  3. Wood, select -

  4. Vinyl, select -

    1. Vinyl Plank select -

    2. Vinyl Roll select-

  5. Misc

Inventory UOM

*Optional… (ackchyually…)

The Inventory UOM field auto fills based on the selection made in the UOM Template field just above it. It tells Echelon how you want to inventory this part number. In the case of carpet and it being a “roll good” for the most part, you would most likely want to select “Roll Goods: SqYd.” This is because it usually comes in a roll and measured in Sq Yds.

You will have the option of many other selections based on the product part number you are setting up.

So, technically even tough it is “optional”, it will always be filled out. Think of it this way, we saved you about 3 seconds of work. You are welcome!

UOM Schedule ID


The selections in this field are set up by your company.

Units of Measure Window

Auto Filled…

The selections here auto fills from the selection made in the UOM Template field. Here the units of measure are defined for this part number. A carpet may come in a roll that is 12’ wide and it is measures in Sq Yds., but when it is being picked and shipped, it may be rolled out and cut to 50’, 6” of the 12’ roll. Here is where that is being defined.

Barcode Label


This field is mandatory and tells Echelon how many Barcode Stickers are to be printed when an item is received. Your options are as follows…

  1. 1 Per Receipt - 1 label for an entire part number

  2. Qty Received - Several labels will print depending on how much is received

  3. No Label - We all know what this means… right?… Right?

If you are receiving roll goods, you do not want a barcode sticker printed out for every Sq Ft or Sq Yd, you would want 1 sticker for 1 roll. Or, if it is tile or wood, you do not want one sticker on a per piece or Sq Ft. You want it per box.

Standard Freight Rate


Decimal Places Qty


Serialized Checkbox


If selected, Echelon will give this part number a new serial number each time an order is received.

If it is left unchecked, Echelon will not create a new serial number for this part and

Checked suggestions

Anything dealing with color lots, glue lots, etc

Carpet pad is an example of a product that you would not have the serialized checkbox checked.

Fabricated Checkbox


This checkbox is designed for countertop manufacturing. Is this part a finished product, or is this part a raw material.

Add Tax to Receipts Checkbox


Picking UOM Section

Optionally mandatory… You must at least select the smallest UOM.

When picking this product for a job from the warehouse, what are the units of measure that you are going to pick it in? The selections you can choose from in these field are dependent on the product selection made when creating this style. Carpet, Tile and Wood will all have different possibilities to select from. Tile for example, you may have a job where the full amount required does not equate to an entire box. It may take 4 boxes and 3 pieces. Here is where you are setting those boundaries.

Possible common selections…

  1. Largest

    1. Carpet - Feet, Inches, Roll, SqFt, Sq Yd

    2. Wood - Boxes, Each or SqFt

    3. Tile - Boxes, Deco, Each, Feet, Sq Ft

  2. Middle

    1. Carpet - Feet, Inches, Roll, SqFt, Sq Yd

    2. Wood - Boxes, Each or Sq Ft

    3. Tile - Boxes, Deco, Each, Feet, Sq Ft

  3. Smallest

    1. Carpet - Feet, Inches, Roll, SqFt, Sq Yd

    2. Wood - Boxes, Each or Sq Ft

    3. Tile - Boxes, Deco, Each, Feet, Sq Ft

As you will notice while filling out this section, “Largest” and Middle” are not mandatory, but “Smallest” is. Feel free to make only a “Smallest” selection if that is what you want to do.


Receiving UOM Section

Optionally mandatory again… You must at least select the smallest UOM.

Receiving UOM possible selections are identical to the Picking UOM selections. Your actual selections here can and probably will be different from the selections made to the Picking UOM selections. Tile for example - you as a company will probably most likely allow the picking of a job down to the piece if that is what is called for and a full box is too much to send out. But when you order from the manufacturer, and receive it, it is most likely in full boxes and not individual pieces. This is why you can have a “Smallest” selection of “Boxes” only when receiving and nothing selected for “Largest” or “Middle” because those are not as important.

  1. Largest

    1. Carpet - Feet, Inches, Roll, SqFt, Sq Yd

    2. Wood - Boxes, Each or SqFt

    3. Tile - Boxes, Deco, Each, Feet, Sq Ft

  2. Middle

    1. Carpet - Feet, Inches, Roll, SqFt, Sq Yd

    2. Wood - Boxes, Each or SqFt

    3. Tile - Boxes, Deco, Each, Feet, Sq Ft

  3. Smallest

    1. Carpet - Feet, Inches, Roll, SqFt, Sq Yd

    2. Wood - Boxes, Each or SqFt

    3. Tile - Boxes, Deco, Each, Feet, Sq Ft


Receiving width section



  1. Add width to items as they are received (Roll Goods Only)

  2. Receipt Width

  3. UOM

Next, we move into the Images Tab…