Inventory - Parts

Colors - Sales tab



Picture 9.1 - The blank Colors / Sales Tab. This is the default view when the window opens, or if a Style has no Colors added.

Color ID


We are now about to continue with the Part Number creation. What you enter into this field will become the final section of the Part Number. Here is where you would put in the manufacture’s color code if that is available and you want to use it, or you can use an actual color name if you want. This is where, as discussed on a previous page, where your company must get together on the same page regarding naming conventions for colors and other things.

Even though this field allows a long string of characters to be entered, it is a best practice to use abbreviations whenever possible to help keep the final part number as short and to the point as possible.



This field is where you can fully name the color in a non-abbreviated way.

Item Description


The Style Description that you entered above when setting the Style should auto-populate the beginning of this field as soon as you click the”+” button to start the color creation process. It should then also auto-populate the actual Color that you just entered. You can override what is in this field either entirely or append some additional text if needed.

Replacement Part


Not being used.


The following fields are not mandatory as you will see below as you go through them. Any color that you are setting up in this section will automatically be given the same corresponding attributes and info as you set up in the main Style for this product. These following fields only need to be used if you need to override the original Style information on a per-color basis. Meaning that if you have ten total colors to enter but three may need to have some override information added to them, you can specifically do that to those three colors and not to the rest.

MFR Name


Here is where you can enter the manufacturer of the product you are working with.

MFR Style


Here is where you can fully name the style of the product you are working with.

MFR Color


Here is where you can specify the actual color of a certain product/color combination and spell it the same way as the manufacturer does.

MFR PArt No.


Here you can enter the manufacture’s actual part number as it will probably be different from yours.



Here is where if you needed to override the Style Labor for any specific color of a Style you can do it. The labor code must exist in the correct table before it can be selected here.

Service Labor


In conjunction with the above Labor, if the Style’s Service Labor needs to be overridden for a specific color, you can do it here.

The Colors - Inventory Tab is coming right up…