Inventory - Parts
Welcome to Creating a Part
This set of pages will guide you through the process on what kind of items should be set up as parts, what information you need to set up a part, and then finally how to set up a part.
Opening the Parts Window
You can use the “CONTROL + Z” shortcut on your keyboard.
Or, from the header menu, select - Inventory/Support Tables/Parts/Parts
What kind of items should be set up as a specific part in Echelon?
Here are the obvious answers…
If it needs to be included on a job, quote, order or sometimes estimated.
Any product that you sell
All installable product sku’s
Carpet, Tile, Wood, Vinyl (Roll or Plank), countertops, etc…
Sub Products
Glues and fasteners
What information do I need to have on hand or set up in Echelon before setting up parts?
Style Naming - You should as a company agree on how you are going to name parts. Most of the time you will probably try to keep things simple by using the same style name as what the manufacturer does so there is as little confusion as possible.
The manufacturer information such as…
Product names
Color names
Box SF sizes
Units of measures
In Echelon you will need to make sure these tables are filled out correctly…